Tuesday 6 October 2009

Innovative use of Space in Games

I'd like to see some examples here (provided by you) of games which use notions of space in innovative ways, or which exemplify ideas of space and place as discussed in Sally Hall's lecture.


  1. PS - Feel free to post new posts and to include images/ video to illustrate your posts

  2. (if you haven't played left4dead this might be confusing)
    In left4dead, There are saferooms, the lights are turned on, signs of other people been here, food etc. But once you step outside the saferooms the area's are cold dark and you are never safe, Something the developers talked about in the comentary is the fact that they wanted players to feel sometimes safe in a area in the world outside of the saferooms, but never actually be safe. when you first played left4dead or even on the hardest mode it becomes a real rush/panic to make it to the saferooms inbetween levels since its a place you can take a deep breath in and not worry ?

  3. There is a game called 'City Life' for PC which requires you construct building in a restricted zone. Over time you will be able to expand but only when you’re meeting your cities requirements which, encourages you to utilize the space provided. I realise it’s almost identical SimCity but as I’ve never played it I can’t comment!
